Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone. At St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School we place utmost importance on our duty to keep children safe.
- We work hard to establish and maintain a school environment where children feel safe and secure and where they know that they will be listened to in an open and positive atmosphere.
- We ensure that children know that they can approach any member of staff if they are worried or in difficulty.
- We actively seek the views of children -listening to them and involving them in decisions about our school and their education.
- we work in partnership with our families to ensure that we are open and transparent regarding any concerns we may have.
- We will make any referrals necessary to ensure the well being of all children is safeguarded.
- We are an ‘Operation Encompass’ school, ensuring that our children are fully supported if they encounter any domestic violence.
Staff in school are in an excellent position to keep a watchful eye on children and their safety and well-being, and to protect them from harm. We are fully committed to safeguarding our pupils, and as such, regular training and updates are provided for all staff. If staff have concerns they understand that they have a duty to share these concerns in the appropriate way with our safeguarding team.
If any member of our school community has a concern regarding the safety of our children, we would ask them to approach a member of our safeguarding team.
“No single professional can have a full picture of a child’s need and circumstances and, if children and families receive the right help at the right time, everyone who comes into contact with them has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking appropriate action.”
St Teresa’s Safeguarding Team
Our Safeguarding Team are easily identifiable – we all wear a yellow safeguarding lanyard.
Designated Safeguarding Lead – Mrs Paula Strachan
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads – Mrs Fiona Lindsay, Mrs Helen Glenton and Mr Stephen Parker
Single Point of Contact (SOP) and Prevent Lead– Mrs Paula Strachan
The Local Management Board Governor for child protection is Mrs Margaret Price
The MAT Director for child protection is Mrs Yvonne Coates
Useful Websites for Parents and Carers
Our Cyber Squad share online safety messages in school with the children. The following links may be of use to parents/carers