At St. Teresa’s, our ethos is that all children develop an enthusiastic and positive attitude to other languages and language learning. We teach skills to KS2 children to develop linguistic competence. We see this as a life-long skill, which opens up avenues of communication and exploration as well as promoting, encouraging and instilling a broader cultural understanding. We provide the pupils with a progressive programme of study which encourages enjoyment of the language studied and allows each pupil to experience some degree of success. We aim to provide the pupils with a language rich environment and resources so that pupils can develop their skills.

MFL Documents

Updated: 02/06/2023 140 KB

MFL Curriculum

Updated: 02/06/2023 76 KB
Updated: 02/06/2023 146 KB

Mrs Craven is the point of contact for our MFL curriculum.

To speak to her please email the admin team