Our staff and children live out the Mission of St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School. Our Mission is central to everyday life here in school. Our children know that they follow St. Teresa’s example of ‘doing the little things well’ at all times. St. Teresa’s has an inclusive practice highlighted by our exemplary relationships within school and the community.

At St. Teresa’s, we hold Christ at the Centre, of all that we do. Our Mission Statement is based around ‘service to others and love’, everyone is welcome in our family. We are blessed that many within our community choose to actively join our school family. The inclusive culture of our school means that diverse cultures and children with unique needs are welcomed and children flourish because of the dedication of staff to ensure that all are equal, as we are all made in the image and likeness of Christ. St. Teresa’s is a supportive and joyful community, ‘valuing all without exception’. Everyone is welcomed in a spirit of generous hospitality, especially those who are most vulnerable. At St. Teresa’s, children and staff demonstrate a deep respect for each other.

At. St. Teresa’s, ‘we reach out to others.’ The children at St. Teresa’s embrace the opportunities given to them and also embrace their personal responsibility to care for our common home, pursue the common good and serve those in need. Our pupils take an active role in responding to the demands of Catholic Social Teaching and are pro-active in finding ways of responding locally, nationally, and globally.

Another facet of our Mission, here at St. Teresa’s, is ‘to accept and forgive.’ Our children behave in an exemplary manner in lessons and throughout the school. They follow the simple school rules of St. Teresa’s: ‘Be ready. Be respectful. Be responsible.’ They strive to always ‘be the best that they can be’ and live up to the virtues of Bishop Hogarth Education Trust. At St. Teresa’s, we talk through any mistakes that we may have made and put them right through acts of contrition with one another.

At. St. Teresa’s, we believe that it is very important that we ‘worship together.’ We pray individually, in classes and as a whole community. We cherish the times when we come together and worship as a school family in liturgical prayers and Mass. Our children love to take an active part in liturgical practice, spreading the Good News, and they live out the Mission that they hear and lead, through how they live their lives.