Prayer can be described as: ‘the raising of the heart and mind to God’, ‘an expression of trust in God’, ‘opening the door to God’, ‘conversation with God’ and ‘the oxygen of the soul!’ When we pray to God, we are ‘listening, speaking, reflecting, resting’ and in doing so are called to make ‘our response to a loving, compassionate God.’ Prayer, worship and liturgical practice are at the heart of St. Teresa’s Catholic School and are integral to our ethos, mission and distinctiveness. Through prayer, we develop spirituality and progress our sense of community and belonging. Through our prayers we show our adoration, our contrition, our thanksgiving and make our intercessions and petitions.

The children of St. Teresa’s are supported to develop a language of prayer and are enabled to develop a habit of prayer.

Throughout the course of the day, the months and the year at St. Teresa’s we use some specific prayers to help us reflect on moments and occasions within the school day and the year of the Church. Some of the prayers that we say are included here. Some of these prayers are traditional prayers of the Catholic Church and we encourage our children to know these off by heart.

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