At St. Teresa’s, our faith is the core of our school – it is what drives our ethos – as we strive to live as Jesus would want us to.

Each classroom at St. Teresa’s has a special focal point which is dedicated to displaying the religious artefacts and symbols associated with our Catholic faith. Our focal points are dressed in liturgical colours reflective of the Church calendar. As part of class weekly liturgical prayers, children are encouraged to ‘dress’ the focal point and explain the significance behind chosen objects. At prayer times, they face their class focal points as a visual reminder of the tenets of our faith.

At whole school liturgical prayer gatherings, we gather towards a central focal point. As the children gather, they place their class candles to show that Jesus is the light of the world. We display articles of our faith - the Bible – the Word of God - and a crucifix to show to all our Catholic beliefs.

In our school grounds, in the key stage two yard with have a simple arbour – Our Prayer Place – in this place children can sit quietly and have a quiet moment with God. Father Greg blessed our Prayer Place for us.

We are blessed to share our school grounds with St. Teresa’s Church. We meet for Mass regularly with the family and friends of the pupils of St. Teresa’s School and the parishioners of St. Teresa’s Church. We start the academic year welcoming our new early years starters to St. Teresa’s in Mass. We gift each child a copy of our Mission Statement and a copy of our school prayer during Mass - the congregation are then gifted by our youngest children singing together in hymn and actions.

Our school then comes together in this precious space, on Feast days such as: The Feast of All Saints, The Epiphany of the Lord, The Ascension of the Lord and The Feast day of Saints Peter and Paul. We congregate also for occasions such as Ash Wednesday, to say good bye to our Year Six children when they move to secondary school, Reconciliation Services and also at the end of terms. Our key stage two classes also lead class Masses throughout the year. In this way, our children receive rich and blessed spiritual experiences which they share with parishioners and also grow in knowledge and reverence of the Catholic Church’s year.

After Mass, we frequently ask parishioners, parents, carers, family and friends to join us in the school hall for shared tables of delicious treats baked by our school kitchen staff. We love these moments when we all have all been called to come together!